The Woman’s Way

Cultivating the Feminine
With Carrie Arlah Burr

Come gather as women in sacred intentional community. We are healing the woman's line: mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties... through the application and willingness of our Love.

We are remembering how to deeply embody, slow down, resonate in our deepest being, and call Life forth through the power of our inner resonance.

We weave with the moons, anchoring our bodies back into the creational cycles of Life, and remember how to create lives full with meaning and beauty.

We will create support structures for ourselves, families, and communities that are durable and lasting.

We will help bring this beautiful planet to a verdant state of well-being and prosperity for all, through our own inner work, work with each other, and that which we anchor back into being through our willingness.

These are the times - and this is the work - that we were born for. Join us.


The Woman’s Way


We are here to help women find their way into their own deep, soft, powerful feminine that is entirely connected with all of life, drawing wisdom from ancient and etheric sources, and landing rooted in the knowing of our bones for the goodness and service to the all. We will heal the woman’s line through our willingness to fully embody Love. We will remember all that we came here to remember and anchor it deeply into the Earth through our understanding and practice. We will support this Earth in its transformation towards a verdant, prosperous wellness for every living creature through our own healing and ways of life.


This culture has prized us for achievement, productivity, competition, and providing for ourselves and our families. We run dry and hot, rigid and focused, and more often than not play the masculine role in life and relationships.

We have all but lost the ways of the fertile feminine and the slow, nourishing water and rich, moist earth. Our depth and connection with Life has suffered and so have we.

We see the return of the feminine to Earth in the highest and best ways: in service to each individual, their families, relationship with the Earth, and the balance of masculine and feminine for harmony and greatest creation.

The feminine is slow and deep, it listens to the earth and acts in accordance with the deep heart and knowing of the bones. In connection with the all, there’s a profound ability to hold space for everything, be wise, compassionate, and resonantly powerful. We are the tenders, the care-takers, the home holders, and nurturers.

We are finding our powerful softness again. Ours is the creation through vision, embodying fully, and calling Life forth. We slow down and reconnect, down and in: to our hearts and bellies, to Earth, and to the heartbeat of Life itself. From these places we draw forth our abilities to be of care and service.

Code of Ethics

  • We are fully honest, open and transparent, and share our heart-truths with others

  • We are fully aligned within our thoughts, words, and actions

  • We recognize the power of our word and therefore do not talk poorly of others or “behind their backs”: we utilize direct communication to express needs and desires and use our word constructively to build better outcomes

  • We release judgment and replace it with discernment (higher sight and the ability to navigate situations well), being kind and generous with our thoughts, words and actions

  • We honor our commitments and responsibilities

  • We are kind, compassionate, good, and in helpful service to the all

  • We are timely: holding our time and other’s time as precious

  • We are humble – of the earth – and are always open for learning

  • We work well together